Welcome to Deep Kuwait

About The Program

Speak Up Kuwait is a part of DEEP.com.

It is a non-profit program dedicated from us to the Kuwaiti society, it is a message of passion, commitment, and power combined together to help others speak up when facing challenges and sharing their experiences with others, instead of suppressing their feelings which concludes in frustration and violence in the society.

Public speaking mastery is a fundamental skill, having effective communication skills, and good public speaking skills improve several areas of individuals’ personal life and careers.

With the huge competition in the field of entrepreneurs, it is common for people to become complacent with their communication skills and forget or not learn how to use their voice to its full potential.

This program is unique in its way of teaching public speaking, by applying psychological research into public speaking, in which will benefit the participants by learning more about their psychological being, their role in different groups, and in life in general.

Participants will enhance their skills by learning more about their psychological being, their roles in the team based on their characters, while introducing how social intelligence, emotional intelligence could benefit them not only in their personal lives, but also by applying it into their businesses.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet other people who have similar interests in the business field. Each member will have the chance to introduce their businesses to the group in which will provide a chance of self-advertisement which benefits them in sharing ideas and visions with others interested in the same field, such groups usually end up as a community.

Program Objectives

By ending this program, you will end by:

  • Learning how to adopt your psychological being and build it into your business.
  • Learning powerful tools and strategies to excel in your career, business, and relationship.
  • Learning how to overcome self-doubt and gain self-confidence by enhancing your mindset, posture, and image.
  • Building several leadership skills.
  • Learning how to build teams by mutual motivation and mentoring with like-minded ambitious and creative people.
  • Learning how to be immersed in positivity and leaving with the determination to improve your lives in whatever way you seek..
2 sessions

Business Services

At the end of this part of the program, the attendees will be able to identify several aspects of their personalities by recognizing the following:

  • First impersonations
  • Realizing and conquering biases
  • Introvert / Extrovert methods
  • Personalized choice of speaking direction.
2 sessions

The fundamentals of body language

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

2 sessions

The audience and the message

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

2 sessions

Leadership roles

At the end of this part of the program, the attendees will be able to evaluate their ability to think critically and identify and apply successful critical thinking practices.

2 sessions

Mastering your voice

At the end of this part of the program, the attendees will be able to identify the style they chose to adopt to their speeches, and focus on how to inspire their audience in their own unique way. At the same time, attendees will begin practicing to their final speech for the big competition day.



Are members or organizations in Kuwait who believe in the message of SpeakUp Kuwait, and are willing to support Kuwait’s youth in the holistic development of Kuwait’s society.

Members of the community will benefit the following:
  • Brand exposure in SpeakUp Kuwait events.
  • Participation and support in members’ media campaigns in large scale projects.
  • Referrals of products, social media accounts of members.

Become a Part of the Community now


Are individuals who believe in the message of SpeakUp Kuwait, and are willing to consume their time and effort to become a permanent part of SpeakUp Kuwait.

SpeakUp Kuwait Members are divided into:

They shape the connective threads of SpeakUp Kuwait as an organization to the Kuwaiti society, given their status and vast connections and actions.


  • A commitment of one hour weekly for SpeakUp Kuwait diwaniya.
  • Two hours weekly of commitment to social media content.
  • Required to come up with new ideas of social media expansion, and commit in executing the idea given.
  • Required to suggest to a leadership role from your choice and approved by the team leader within the requirements of SpeakUp Kuwait, on trial basis.
  • If trial basis is successful, you will be promoted to core, as per your choice and approval of team leader.


  • Support on personal ideas for expansion.
  • Partial support and exposure on SpeakUp Kuwait social media.
  • Partial support and exposure on SpeakUp Kuwait nights tour.
  • Network expansion.
  • Leadership role from your choice after approval on trial basis.

They shape the core of SpeakUp Kuwait, they aid in the formulization of the organization through their high level of commitments and actions.


  • Complete the 4-week training program. Two sessions weekly (total 4 hours a week) with the total of 10 sessions.
  • A commitment of one hour daily for content of social media and defined roles.
  • A commitment of one hour weekly for SpeakUp Kuwait diwaniya.
  • Required to commit and attend to the SpeakUp Kuwait nights tour.
  • Required to commit to a leadership role from your choice and approved by the team leader within the requirements of SpeakUp Kuwait.
  • If a choice is not taken, the team leader will assign a role to the member based on vacancy.
  • Required to be assigned a role for the outreach project to educational institutions and local organizations.


  • Gain the benefits of attending the 4-week program.
  • Support on personal business projects of the members.
  • Full support and exposure on SpeakUp Kuwait social media.
  • Full support and exposure on SpeakUp Kuwait nights tour.
  • Network expansion.
  • Leadership role in the outreach project to represent SpeakUp Kuwait in an assigned organization from team leader.
  • Become a permanent member of SpeakUp Kuwait family.


A 4-week unique training program of teaching public speaking, by applying psychological research into public speaking, in which will benefit the participants by learning more about their psychological being, their role in different groups, and in their life in general. Participants will enhance their skills by learning more about their psychological being, their roles in the team based on their characters, while introducing how social intelligence, emotional intelligence could benefit them not only in their personal lives, but also by applying it into their businesses.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet other people who have similar interests in thebusiness field.
Each member will have the chance to introduce their businesses to the group in which will provide a chance of self-advertisement which benefits them in sharing ideas and visions with others interested in the same field, such groups usually end up as a community


  • Learning how to adopt their psychological being and build it into their business.
  • Learning powerful tools and strategies to excel in their careers, businesses, and relationships.
  • Learning how to overcome self-doubt and gain self-confidence by enhancing their mindset, posture, and image.
  • Building several leadership skills.
  • Learning how to build teams by mutual motivation and mentoring with like-minded ambitious and creative people.
  • Learning how to be immersed in positivity and leaving with the determination to improve their lives in whatever way they seek.


  • Potential members should go through the interview process.
  • If succeeded in the interview, the potential member will have to take a couple of personality tests.
  • After taking the tests, the potential members will go through a one-month trial, to measure their levels of commitment, in this level they would be under the name of “SpeakUp Kuwait Associates”.
  • If succeeded in the trial, the potential member would will go through the 4-week training program.
  • Once entering the program, they would be considered as a “SpeakUp Kuwait Core Member”.
  • As a SpeakUp Kuwait Core Member, they have to follow certain rules, regulations, and a high level of commitment, followed by the terms and conditions of SpeakUp Kuwait.


  • SpeakUp Kuwait weekly Diwaniya for associates and core members only.
  • SpeakUp Kuwait episodes with guests from different fields that share the same message of SpeakUp Kuwait.
  • SpeakUp Kuwait Monthly night for SpeakUp Kuwait whole community.
  • Collaborations for events with members and community only.
  • Participating in other events from other organizations that share the same message of SpeakUp Kuwait.
  • Participating in Kuwait’s main events throughout the year.
  • SpeakUp Kuwait’s main event, where core members take the stage and present their speeches to Kuwait. This is open to the public.

Become a member now



Sponsership Fee

  • Exclusive to one organization only.
  • Major name and logo size on all printed material.
  • 15 VIP tickets to competition night.
  • Full coverage on all media campaign.
  • Access to exhibit products and giveaways to the audience.
  • Up to 3x9 booth space
  • Provided slot for a speech given by the organization’s representative.
  • Up to 3 minutes video presented in the event.
  • Three seats for employees to attend the course for free.



Sponsership Fee

  • Name and logo on selected printed material..
  • 5 VIP tickets to competition night.
  • Coverage on selected media campaign.
  • Access to exhibit products and giveaways to the audience.
  • 3x3 booth space
  • Two seats for employees to attend the course for free.



Sponsership Fee

  • Name and logo on selected printed material..
  • 3 VIP tickets to competition night.
  • Coverage on selected media campaign.
  • Access to exhibit products and giveaways to the audience.
  • 3x3 booth space
  • 20% discount for the first registration for employees who want to attend the course.

Become a part of SpeakUp Kuwait today!